Now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that
the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to
Jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying, “You went to
uncircumcised men and ate with them.” Acts 11:1-3
The first three verses of Acts 11 should be focused on the
glory of God and salvation coming to the home of Cornelius, a Gentile, but
instead Peter is met by a group of guys who are more worried about ritualistic
laws than God’s glory through the salvation of His peoples. Have you ever found
yourself doing this? Have you shifted your focus from God’s glory because you didn’t
like the way someone was saved or because you didn’t think a certain person
could be saved? We are in a constant state of judging aren’t we? “Well that guy
wasn’t regenerated because he has a horrible past, or that girl wasn’t truly
transformed because I knew her in high school and there is no way she has
repented.” We do this in so many different ways and none of them praise God for
His work in the lives of the people around us. When we make these arguments we
are attempting to put handcuffs on God. We, in essence, are saying that God
cannot or is not powerful enough to save someone who has a checkered past. We
are also arguing that we know who should and should not be saved. Do we really
want to leave that decision up to fallen men? I would much rather put my trust
and hope in the God of the bible, the God who created the universe, the God who
formed the mountains, the God who placed the stars in the sky, the God who
knows every hair on my head. This is the God we serve.
We spend our time focused on the superficial. Some are
consumed with the outer appearance of believers. Men must wear a suit and tie
and women must wear long dresses. While others argue that suits are a form of
legalism and you should wear skinny jeans and have a chain hooked to your
wallet. All of these examples are wrong. We must stop shifting our focus to
these meaningless issues. Our point, our focus must stay on the One who saves,
the One who calls us. We keep our eyes on God. He sees through our past,
through our mistakes, through our tattoos, our suits, our skinny jeans, and our
chained wallets. He sees through all of this and focuses on the righteousness
given to those whom He has called by our Savior—Jesus. This is why we focus on
God’s glory.
We must not follow in the steps of those who criticized
Peter. We must not lose sight of God’s glory and His might. We, instead, must
stop analyzing the superficial and start setting our sights on the one true
God! This frees us up to glorify God in all that we do. This frees us up to
worship Him without hesitation or distraction. Salvation can and will come to
all different types of people. Salvation can come to those in suits, skinny
jeans, long dresses, pants, the rich, the poor, the middle class, the criminals, the valedictorians, the high school dropouts and the list goes on and on. This is why
we take heed and do as we are commanded. We go and share the gospel with all
types of people because the bible tells us that all types of people—not all
people—will be saved. We cannot overlook this wondrous truth. Praise Him for
this truth and His work in the lives of so many. I praise Him for the work He
continues to do in the lives of screw-ups like myself. I praise Him because He
deserves my all.
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