Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Gospel Truth

Jesus stepped down from His thrown
Entering this world with a groan
His mama, a bit hesitant
His earthly dad a bit resistant
But His love was resilient
He grew up physically and mentally
He inspired His disciples intellectually and spiritually
He told them all...
A day would come when He would fall
His falling didn’t mean they would be the ones calling
His falling meant He would be calling
He took what we couldn’t
He took the nails that He shouldn’t
He took the spitting the mocking and the flogging
For who?
For me?
For Him?
For you?
This answer shouldn’t surprise
For He removed the blinders from our hearts…our eyes
We look to the cross and His pain
And we find salvation in that shame
The story doesn’t stop there
You see
3 days later the tomb was bare...
Where did He go?
What were we to know?
The King had rose
He was right under their nose
He stayed for 40 days
He ate, He drank, He prayed...
Our lives were forever transformed
Because the Trinity decided to send Him to be born
He then went to be with the Father...sending a Helper
The Holy Spirit our shelter
He came
He died
He rose
He ascended
He brought life to those that offended...
The One true God is holy
And we should praise Him for His glory
My thanks seems like an understatement
But I must make this proclamation
He loves me
He called me
He saved me
He sustains me
This is the gospel
This is the truth...
In that instance
Our sins were paid for
In that instance
Our sins were died for
Our flesh no longer king
My life no longer supreme
When Christ took that last breath
He brought salvation, peace, and rest...
Now church, this is the truth...
Open up your ears and hear this
Our God authored every last bit of this...
My life, my faith, my eternity secure
Because Christ poured out His blood that was pure
Did you hear that?
Did you see that?
The spotless Lamb hung on a cross
Rises from the grave like a boss
No, like a king
No, like the King
"Praise the One who paid my debt
And raised this life up from the dead"
I was dead
But now alive
My sin, my pride, my fame...all died for
When He came

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